Results for 'James P. Symons'

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    Wheel-running activity during ad lib and food-deprivation conditions in four inbred mouse strains.James P. Symons - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):78-80.
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    Operant performance in inbred mice.Richard L. Sprott & James P. Symons - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (1):46-48.
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    Terrorism and International Justice.James P. Sterba (ed.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    In this timely collection of thoughtful and provocative essays, a diverse group of prominent philosophers and political scientists discuss critical issues such as the nature and definition of terrorism.
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  4. The natural philosophy of Akhenaten.James P. Allen - 1989 - In Religion and philosophy in ancient Egypt. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Egyptological Seminar, Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, the Graduate School, Yale University. pp. 3--89.
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    Completing the Kantian Project: From Rationality to Equality.James P. Sterba - 2008 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 82 (2):47 - 83.
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  6. Jesus, the Man and the Myth.James P. Mackey - 1979
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  7. The God of the prophet Jesus of Nazareth.James P. Mackey - 2009 - In John Cornwell & Michael McGhee (eds.), Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of faith and reason. New York: Continuum.
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  8. Technology, Culture and Development: The Experience of the Soviet Model.James P. Scanlan - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2):322-324.
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  9. A Marxist Dilemma for Social Contract Theory.James P. Sterba - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (1):51 - 59.
    Marxist social contract theory gives rise to an unwelcome dilemma for would-Be contractarians. For either the state of nature choice situation confronting the parties to the social contract will be defined to include or to exclude the knowledge of the general facts of class conflict. But if, On the one hand, The state of nature choice situation is defined to include such knowledge (particularly the knowledge of the fundamental conflict between the proletariat and capitalist classes), Then it could be argued (...)
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    False Logos and Not-Being in Plato's Sophist.James P. Kostman - 1973 - In J. M. E. Maravcsik (ed.), Patterns in Plato's thought. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 192--212.
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    Philosophical imagination and the evolution of modern philosophy.James P. Danaher - 2017 - Saint Paul, Minnesota: Paragon House.
    Philosophy evolves as the philosophical imagination of thinkers seek answers to emerging data and circumstances that inherited perspectives did not provide. This short history of philosophy shows how materialism, immaterialism, rationalism, empiricism, phenomenalism, historicism, existentialism, pragmatism, hermeneutics, the linguistic turn, and feminism developed to sharpen and enlarge the modern mind.
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  12. Trouble in the tank.James P. Spradley - 1976 - In Michael A. Rynkiewich & James P. Spradley (eds.), Ethics and anthropology: dilemmas in fieldwork. Malabar, Fla.: R.E. Krieger Pub. Co..
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  13. Christianity and Creation: The Essence of the Christian Faith and Its Future among Religions. A Systematic Theology.James P. Mackey - 2007 - Philosophy 82 (322):653-657.
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  14. Christianity and creation : Code.James P. Mackey - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara (eds.), An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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    Social and Political Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives.James P. Sterba (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    _Social and Political Philosophy_ introduces some of the most important topics in contemporary political philosophy and questions whether these can be accommodated within the framework of liberal theory. It consists of specially written essays by prominent figures in social and political philosophy. Each essay carefully considers both the theoretical and practical problems of a major topic. Traditional perspectives are balanced with new challenges. Topics include: * Moral Methodology * Libertarianism * Socialism * Lesbian and Gay Perspectives * Feminism * Racial (...)
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    The Varieties of Liberty.James P. Sterba - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:588-593.
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  17. The teaching of philosophy in social studies.James P. Shaver - 1980 - In George S. Maccia (ed.), On teaching philosophy. Bloomington, Ind.: School of Education, Indiana University.
  18. Davis Baird on Nano Tech.James P. Sterba & Carol Quinn - 2003 - Social Theory and Practice 29 (2).
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    Recent Work on Alternative Conceptions of Justice.James P. Sterba - 1986 - American Philosophical Quarterly 23 (1):1 - 22.
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    Clergy Ethics in a Changing Society: Mapping the Terrain.James P. Wind, Russell Burck, Paul Camenisch & Dennis McCann - 1991 - Westminster John Knox Press.
    Drawing upon the experiences and insights of a diverse group of notable contributors, this volume is perhaps the most complete study available on clergy ethics. The topics discussed include the separation of church and state, clergy professionalization, ethical pastoral care, and many more.
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    The second truth: a brief introduction to the intellectual and spiritual journey that is philosophy.James P. Danaher - 2014 - St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
    "Contrasts the conceptual understanding we inherit from our culture and language community (first truth) with the more sophisticated understanding we gain through personal experience, searching, and philosophical questioning (second truth). Socrates and Jesus are described as persons who are exemplary in application of their second truths.
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    The religious case against belief.James P. Carse - 2008 - New York: Penguin Press.
    A provocative, insightful explanation for why it is that belief—not religion—keeps us in a perilous state of willful ignorance In The Religious Case Against Belief , James Carse identifies the twenty-first century’s most forbidding villain: belief. In distinguishing religions from belief systems, Carse works to reveal how belief—with its restriction on thought and encouragement of hostility—has corrupted religion and spawned violence the world over. Galileo, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, and Jesus Christ—using their stories Carse creates his own brand of (...)
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    That personal touch.James P. Evans - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (4):5-6.
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    How to make people just: a practical reconciliation of alternative conceptions of justice.James P. Sterba - 1988 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
    To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
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  25. Timothy O'Connor and the harmony thesis: A critique.James P. Moreland - 2002 - Metaphysica 3 (2):5-40.
  26. Consecuencias del aumento global de las temperaturas sobre los recursos hídricos.James P. Bruce, José Luis Rubio, Ralph Pentland & Gerardo Benito - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 58:135-137.
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    Main Currents of Post-Soviet Philosophy in Russia.James P. Scanlan - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 12:121-129.
    With the destruction of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Communist Party, Russia in the past few years has experienced a philosophical revolution unparalleled in suddenness and scope. Among the salient features of this revolution are the displacement of Marxism from its former, virtually monopolistic status to a distinctly subordinate and widely scorned position; the rediscovery of Russia’s pre-Marxist and anti-Marxist philosophers, in particular the religious thinkers of the past two centuries; increasing interest in Western philosophical traditions that (...)
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    James P. Scanlan, Dostoevsky the Thinker. [REVIEW]James P. Scanlan - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):76-79.
  29. The world of ancient Egyptian thought.James P. Allen - 2016 - In Kurt A. Raaflaub (ed.), The adventure of the human intellect: self, society and the divine in ancient world cultures. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  30. Dostoevsky on the Existence of God.James P. Scanlan - 1999 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 44:63-71.
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  31. Ernst Cassirer: The Platonic Renaissance in England.James P. Pettegrove - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (114):277-278.
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  32. (1 other version)An Austrian Perspective on Some Leading Jacksonian Monetary Theorists.James P. Philbin - 1991 - Journal of Libertarian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Review 10 (1):83-95.
  33. The Christian Experience of God as Trinity.James P. Mackey - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (1):128-129.
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    Controversies in Feminism.James P. Sterba, Claudia Card, Jane Flax, Virginia Held, Ellen Klein, Janet Kournay, Michael Levin, Martha Nussbaum & Rosemarie Tong - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Feminism was born in controversy and it continues to flourish in controversy. The distinguished contributors to this volume provide an array of perspectives on issues including: universal values, justice and care, a feminist philosophy of science, and the relationship of biology to social theory.
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  35. Action and Ability.James P. Otten - 1976 - Dissertation, The University of Rochester
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    Approximations might lead to errors in brain science.James P. Trevelyan - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):350-351.
  37. Digital breadcrumbs: Case studies of online research.James P. Purdy & Joyce R. Walker - 2007 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 11 (2).
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  38. Charles Austin Beard: Liberal Foe of American Internationalism.James P. Philbin - 2000 - Humanitas 13 (2):90-107.
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  39. The political economy of the antifederalists.James P. Philbin - 1994 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 11 (1):79-106.
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    Moral Values as Religious Absolutes.James P. Mackey - 1992 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 32:145-160.
    Those who have had the benefit of a reasonably lengthy familiarity with the philosophy of religion, and more particularly with the God question, may be so kind to a speaker long in exile from philosophy and only recently returned, as to subscribe, initially at least, to the following rather enormous generalization: meaning and truth, which to most propositions are the twin forces by which they are maintained, turn out in the case of claims about God, to be the centrifugal forces (...)
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  41. Who are the authors of Christian morality?James P. Mackey - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara (eds.), An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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  42. Archaeological models and Asian Indo-Europeans.James P. Mallory - 2002 - In Mallory James P. (ed.), Indo-Iranian Languages and Peoples. pp. 19-42.
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  43. Indo-Iranian Languages and Peoples.P. Mallory James - 2002
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  44. The Demands of Justice.James P. Sterba, William A. Galston, John Charvet & Philip Green - 1983 - Philosophical Quarterly 33 (132):301-305.
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  45. Reading the Gospel of John.James P. Berkeley - 1958
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  46. Features and feature structures.James P. Blevins - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 12--390.
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    Is the human person a substance or a property-thing?James P. Moreland & John Mitchell - 1994 - Ethics and Medicine: A Christian Perspective on Issues in Bioethics 11 (3):50-55.
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    Syncretism and paradigmatic opposition.James P. Blevins - 1995 - Linguistics and Philosophy 18 (2):113 - 152.
  49. Inferring statistical complexity.James P. Crutchfield & K. Young - 1989 - Physical Review Letters 63:105.
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    Exploring Church History: A Guide to History, World Religions, and Ethics.James P. Eckman - 2008 - Crossway Books.
    Christianity's roots, distinctiveness, and cultural implicationsare highlighted in this multi-dimensional resource, providing anintroductory understanding of the richness of the faith andchurch.
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